19 Feb 2019 Class Code: Array2 aRunningMan Collision1

14 Feb 2019 Class Code: 14Feb

12 Feb 2019 Class Code: GridLayout Image Image2

7 Feb 2019 Class Code: Global GUI1

5 Feb 2019 Class Code : DrawingTools Layouts

31 Jan 2019 Class Code : 31Jan2019ClassCode

Do it yourself: week 29th Jan

Design a Java project that will have the following appearance. The tool bar on the left can be selected as oval or rectangle. Then in the drawing area one should be able to use mouse to draw a shape according to the tool selected.

  1. Verison 1: mousedown– move — release should be able to draw the shape in between
  2. Version 2: While dragging the shape should be dynamically growing
  3. There should be a history of previous drawings. That is all the drawings should be added up.
  4. Optional: Add an eraser tool which will clean the screen.

Code of the day  29 Jan

MouseAction PanelArray PanelArray2 PanelArrayMouse ToolBarHW

Jan 22, 34  — No classes

———-Jan 17 ——————————————————-

Working on the previous assignment: The following example will help you.

The new material is about arrays and using an array of JPanel and a custom Panel array.

PanelArray2 PanelArray ArraySample






——————————— Jan 14 ——————————–

Example programs in the class are:

FirstFrame3 FirstFrame2 FirstFrame

Do it yourself for this week:

1- Install Eclipse. Report in the class about your eclipse experience. If you have any challenges please share in the classroom.

2- Run the example projects of the Jan14 class time.

3- Create a new project that will have the following output.

Hint for the question 3