Homework 1 (BIT1102)

Design an application, preferably a game and clearly define the specification. Limitation of the programming capabilities are as follows.

  1.  Programmer can only draw three shapes: Square, Rectangle and Circle.
  2. Shapes can be any size or color.
  3. Shapes can be as much as needed. Number is not limited. They can be at the same time or appear at different times.
  4. Shapes can be placed at any location in the screen, specific locations or random if needed.
  5. Shapes can be moved in any direction  with any speed. Direction or speed can also be  random if needed.
  6. Shapes can go through each other or bounce.
  7. There are buttons to control the interaction.

You are a game designer and you hire a programmer according to limitations given. Design your game and instruct the programmer to program what you want. Present your work in a nicely prepared report. Use graphics display methods if you think you can express better.

Your report should be enough for a programmer to develop the application you had in your mind.

Due:  September 10th, 2018. beginning of the class.